Monthly Meetings

The monthly meetings are held at at the COWSHACC, Welshpool, where you can catch up with what's happening in the U3A. These meetings are during the morning of the first Wednesday of each month, opening doors at 09.45 to start the meeting at 10.30 until noon.
We usually have a speaker on a topic of general interest, with an Open Meeting in August. Entrance for members is free, with a cup of tea/coffee for an extra 50p. Non-members are welcome for a taster visit (not available for December) and also pay 50p for refreshment. (See How to Join Us page.)


Please note also that the programme may be subject to alteration if speakers cancel at short notice. There will always be an alternative speaker who may cover a different topic. Scroll down for more information on specific events in the programme.

2024 Speaker/Activity
3rd Jan
West India Committee
by David Wells
The talk covers the history of the Garinagu people, also known as the Black Caribs, a unique culture born on the island of St. Vincent from a mixture of Caribbean, African and European influences. We will discuss their history on the island and interactions with the British over the course of the 18th century.
7th Feb
by Alison and  Laurence Mathews
The presenters have explained that “Everywhere we look, “framing” affects how we see things. Frames restrict our view, keeping us from seeing the whole truth and subtly influencing our take on everything from deck-chairs to democracy."
They aim to help us to learn to will open your eyes and your mind. Learn to notice frames and it’s amazing what else you’ll see: fresh ideas; how and why you’re being hoodwinked.
6th Mar
followed by
Game and Wildlife Conversation Trust
The Curlew Connections Wales Project, which aims to identify and locate Curlew nests and protect both nests and eggs/chicks to improve their chances of survival.
3rd Apr
Quintinshill – Britain’s Worst Railway Disaster in the context of World War I
by Ian Thompson
The Quintinshill rail disaster was a multi-train rail crash which occurred during wartime on 22 May 1915 outside the Quintinshill signal box near Gretna Green in Dumfriesshire, Scotland. It resulted in the deaths of over 200 people and remains the worst rail disaster in British history.
Who was to blame and to what extent was the war a contributory factor?
1st May The Fiddle
by Natalie Cummins
Natalie will present a true story about her Aunt Rosa, tracing a precious violin across landscapes devastated by war and terror, to safety and its restoration in in the full glare of a TV audience on “The Repair Shop”.
5th Jun How Handwriting developed over many centuries
 by Dr. Susan Davies
Dr. Davies introduces us to examples of handwriting which have survived from the last two millennia: some are beautiful and artistic, some functional and efficient, others rather careless! Who wrote these manuscripts and why, where can we find them and in what form and most importantly, can we read and understand them?
3rd Jul Humours of an Election
by Sylvia Sparrow
A humorous talk about four paintings by William Hogarth, which detail events around a parliamentary election in 1754 in Oxford.
7th Aug Groups Day
 Castle Caereinion Community Centre, SY21 9AL

Set up 10:30 am - Doors open 11:00 am until 3 pm
Click here for map
Entry and car parking is FREE

FREE Cakes and Refreshments

This event is open to all existing and prospective members

We will be showcasing precisely who we are and what opportunities we can provide. Why not join us for a chance to see whether one or more of our groups could provide an interest for you.

The u3a is an organisation specifically for retired and non working adults looking to broaden their interests. We are a very friendly non political , non religious organisation.
No monthly meeting at COWSHACC
4th Sep Hope House Hospice
by Cat Edwards
Cat who is the Community Engagement Officer for Hope House Hospice will talk about the work of the charity and the range of services offered.
2nd Oct
TBC - National Institute for the Deaf
by Racheal Beech
We will hear how the RNID offers support to everyone who is deaf or has hearing loss or tinnitus and the work they do, including support at local levels for both the individual and businesses, offering communication support and much, much more.
6th Nov TBA
4th Dec Christmas Social - Venue to be confirmed